R'enel Iphsewe


R'enel is a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te and a Sharpshooter, trained by her father and brother, as well as a few different military powers. On the run from both her former alliances, she bears a hefty bounty on her head from Eorzea to Garlemald, taking refuge under Garlemald's nose in Thavnair. Here she works to help the locals as a way to blend in, providing them with fresh meats for any amount of gil she can get her hands on. Sometimes visiting the many Eorzean regions if needed or for a change of scenery.

Name:(Ren-L Eef-sue-way)
Relatives:Mother, father, sister; Deceased. Brother; Active
Sexual Preference:Straight
Race Preference:-
Race/Clan:Miqo'te; Seeker of the Sun
Home:Burned to the ground in a war crossfire
Hair:Natural Black hair
Skin Color:Tanned White
Tail Type:Long and thin, slightly poofy with Black fur.
Features:Soft and smooth skin. Hair is often dyed with blue streaks. Highly noticeable scars littering her whole body, primarily seen under her right eye on her cheek, a similar scar on the left cheek, and a fresh, deep wound through her right eye. Missing her right fang, as well as a scar where it was once located.
Jewelry:Ears are pierced with a Dangling Raven emblem design. Wears a ring of Allagan make on her right hand. Also has the top and bottom of her belly button pierced.
Accessories:Typically wears Sunglasses upon her head, or over her eyes when in populated areas. Sometimes wears a bandana around her neck; mostly bearing dog tags.

RP Likes/Dislikes

Action, Adventure, Casual, Slice-of-Life, Some darker themesFetishes, Character death

Further Info

R'enel's Past-to-Present

(RP Spoiler Territory)

R'enel was just your average Sun, living in a large Tribe with a Nunh and getting by the days as a wandering hunter, helping her tribe however way she could. It wasn't until Garleans invaded her land and Eorzeans joining the fight to fend them off that changed her life, both sides wiping out nearly everyone she called a friend or family in the cross fire. R'enel let revenge take over her actions and joined the Eorzeans in fighting them off. Killing the Garleans with each shot of her bow, she realized it wasn't doing a thing to cure her broken heart, nor did it seem to be doing a thing to help in the war. Thinking about this mid-combat left her distracted and vulnerable, leading to be taken as a prisoner of war with plans to execute her. Instead, she begged and pleaded to spare her. For a while it fell on deaf ears, but eventually they thought her skills in Archery would prove useful to them. The Garleans let her help them against the Eorzeans, but was forced to wear a collar of sorts to prevent betrayal. She saw this as an opportunity to learn their side of the war, already knowing the Eorzean half of it. Ultimately, she wanted to see who was right and who was wrong. She began killing Eorzeans just as brutally as she did Garleans once before, though like with the Garleans, it did nothing for her crave of revenge. She eventually earned the Garleans trust and was free to explore as one of them. Few years pass and she didn't want to fight anymore. It did nothing for her, and her main goal was abandoned. They didn't much like this idea and didn't let her leave without a fight.She escaped the grasp of the Garlean's with a bounty upon her head from both sides of the war. She started wearing shades upon her head almost at all times because of this, dropping them down over her eyes when in more populated areas.

Side Info

  • Primarily an Archer of exceptional skill, she is well trained in other forms of combat. She knows how to pilot many Magitek Airships, commandeer Reaper and Predator class Magitek armor, drive various other Garlean vehicles, etc. She has also been shown how to use both Garlean Gunblades and those used by Gunbreakers, as well as basic Ranged firearms. She owns a Sniper Rifle when given range a Bow can't make, is trained in various military forms of hand-to-hand combat, and aside from close/ranged Gunblades, she was trained with a Katana as well during her time in Kugane.

  • She is very often found bruised, beaten, cut, and very tired. Some people have come searching for her bounty, and though she has always escaped, it's taken a toll on both her sleep, and her physical appearance. Simply by looking her in the eyes, one can tell shes exhausted/been up for days. Her right eye is almost always reopening too due to the trouble she gets in and distrust of anyone getting near her face.

  • R'enel hates feeling vulnerable in anyway. When she begins feeling such ways, she'll often get aggression in her tone, tap her foot/fingers against her seat/table, or just appear restless if she lacks a table/seat.

  • She does not like people pronouncing her name without her clan letter. Without, it's simply pronounced N.L. and she hates this. She will specifically tell people to call her Ren or -for those she doesn't fully trust- Sewe (Sue-way) or Rene.

  • She's usually not one for items of sentimental value, but due to nearly her whole clan being dead, she keeps a few from her bloodline to remember them by; a makeshift hunting knife from her sister that she keeps in great condition, but never uses. Her bow from her father (though now upgraded to Allagan), one she uses nearly all the time and will get highly aggressive towards others touching it. As well as her navel piercings, being the first and last gift from her mother, which is the only reason she's kept it pierced all this time.


  • R'enel is adventurous and can technically be found anywhere. Due to her lying low though, she can be bumped into in remote locations or less populated areas. Possibly readying for a hunt, treating a wound, or preparing to hit the road.

  • She is a fugitive on the run, so one may have seen her face on a bounty board (See Wanted Info) before, or possibly knew her in the war. Either with her or against her.

  • For those allied with the Eorzean Alliance, she was sided with the Adders until the fall of the Praetorium, afterwhich she swapped to the Maelstrom until the day she was taken as a prisoner of war. Upon joining the Garleans, she was accused of betrayal, and a bounty placed upon her head.

  • For those allied with the Garlean Empire, she was taken in as "just another savage prisoner." Beaten and tortured until she eventually conviced them to allow her to join. In time, she was a savage prisoner-turned-ally, until the civil war; she wanted out and was accused of betrayal upon her attempt to leave, fighting her way to freedom and racking up another bounty. (She has since been dubbed "Viator" among many.)

  • Her signature weapon is a Compound Bow of Allagan make. Parts were dug out from an unexplored ruin and used her former bow as a base; built specifically for her. When she bears it upon herself, she stands out from the crowd when around other Archers.

  • During her time as a Garlean ally, she commissioned a magitek vehicle for her own use. Rather than an enormous Airship or a civilian car, a motorized bike was made for her. She's never far from wherever it may be found parked at.

  • Due to having a Magitek Motorcycle, experience with using technology, and carrying around a Compound Bow of Allagan design, she tends to attract a lot of people who fancy technology.

Young/Eorzean Alliance

Garlean Empire/Escape

Current Day

Possible Future


R'enel Iphsewe (Reopened Battle Scar) by @War_Artworks

Wanted Info

R'enel's posters are scattered throughout Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Gridania's adventure guilds, as well as Ishgard, smaller Adventure Guilds, Bounty Boards, some Inns, etc. They currently cannot be found in regions such as Sharlayan, Thavnair, or Hingashi. Some can also be found in Garlemald (mostly buried in the snow or torn apart), but due to their current situation, they've more or less dropped it altogether. Believing they have bigger issues to deal with than some Miqo'te traitor.Her posters are uncolored and outdated, her current appearance does not match the description 100% but for those who do a bit of digging can probably put it together.

Her posters also lack a bit more needed info, such as last seen locations, who to contact, where to properly accept the reward, etc. The only info being that the poster is from the Eorzean Alliance, leading one to think of the Grand Companies; in which they'd be correct. Should one take a poster to any Grand Company barracks, they'll provide any info they can, despite lacking some as well.Her Reward is also wrong in modern time. Starting at 100k dead and 200k alive, it has only grown in numbers over the years. By how much? The Grand Companies could specify.
(The number will vary between players to determine what is worth while for their characters. Gil is also IC and not physical in-game, but could possibly change later on)